This project explores a particular narrative for the future of cinema and, in turn, it proposes new possibilities for the moving image and its place, content, viewers & screen.
The project proposes a scenario of technological discovery and development where:
** Guerilla film distribution occurs in new places via Lawn Bowl and Shot-put film grenades;
** With anamorphic lenses the perpendicular hegemony of conventional cinema watching is broken;
A shift in content to QR coded cinema is predicted and, in turn..
** A future point where non-narrative images are viewed by post-human machine optics is proposed, with screens affecting the fabric of the city.
The project is a sneak preview for a future of cinema, proposing a continuous cinema that is freed from both the spatial confines of the movie house and the literary expectations of narrative — told by and to non-human machines.
Near Future Laboratory
Outside in: the extraordinary home inside a giant greenhouse in Norway
An architect has designed a sustainable home inside a glass box, where
fruit and veg grow, and their family can thrive
Situated on the family farmstead, ...
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