Årets vinnere ble en vertikal fengselsby i luften, en grønn og miljøvennlig boligmaskin og et robotlignende reir. Alle vinnerbidragene utfordrer forestillingene om hvordan en skyskraper skal se ut.

The vertical prison has its own transportation system which consists of different “pods” for officers, prisoners, firefighters, and other workers. Read the rest of this entry »

One of the most important aspects of this proposal is the elimination of the slums along the river. The majority of the people will live and work at the CRP which could be understood as new city within Jakarta. The CRP project will be a 100 percent sustainable building that will produce energy through wind, solar, and hydroelectric systems. Read the rest of this entry »

This prototype was designed as a fashion boutique for Tokyo; a city of extreme climate, density, and earthquakes. It explores the use of advanced materials and robotic construction to re-imagine the skyscraper. Read the rest of this entry »
Konkurransen legger særlig vekt på bruken av ny teknologi og materialvalg, samt faktorer som globalisering, fleksibilitet, estetikk og kreative planløsninger.
Årets konkurranse mottok 430 bidrag fra 42 land.
2010 - eVolo | Architecture Magazine
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