Rolex Learning Center er en del av Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) dekker 20.000 kvadratmeter, men har nesten ingen innvendige vegger.

"Human movements are not linear like in a train, but curve in a more organic way," sier arkitekten Ryue Nishizawa, når han skal forklare visjonen bak bygget. "With straight lines we only create crossroads, but with curves we can create more diverse interactions."

Kayuyo Sejima forklarer videre hvordan man ønsket å skape et miljø som både fremmer kreativitet og er behagelig å sepå: "We asked ourselves: what kind of space can a lot of people, doing different activities at the same time, enjoy being in? After we had the final shape, we used stairs and ramps from Lausanne and the Swiss landscape as precedents to learn how the gentle slopes can be used and enjoyed. We imagined that this type of open space might increase the possibility for new meetings or trigger new activities. In comparison to traditional study spaces, where corridors and classrooms are clearly separated, we hope that there will be many different ways to use the new space and that there will be more active interaction, which in turn will trigger new activities."

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