Juryen sier dette om prosjektet:
"Of the three second-stage approaches dealing with the subject of flexible individualized housing, this project has the greatest potential for being developed further.
The proposal is both coherent and flexible in its re-invention of a type: the block as a mat – a reference to Le Corbusier's unité d'habitation, albeit in a flat form – has an important development potential regarding its programming; the mixed use is organized crosswise as in a vertical mega structure, thus the diagonal as an ascending link, with the bridge over the Südbahn railway line (realisation of which is not yet certain), seems appropriate even if the bridge is not built.
Moreover, the proposal seems to use the bridge - of which there is only a hint in the design - as a pretext for developing a new type for the local context. Its large scale fits the surrounding projects and the Südbahn railway line and hence tries to create a closed urban area with different collective areas and equipment.
The challenge of the mega structure regarding social tensions is taken up by developing a strategy of typological ruptures inherent in the proposal. In this sense, the proposal could mean a re-formulation and re-development of the mega-structural housing projects of Red Vienna. Both the patio dwellings and the dwellings with an access balcony should be revised regarding lighting and the inner spatial organization, but in view of the elasticity of the structure this should not be a problem."
Europan 8 - Austria.
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